Grab the Greater Calling-Part 1

We are called to Greater Things! Yes, you have been called to his purpose. No question about it. Are you hesitant with this statement? Are you unsure that you have a GREATER call on your life? I am here to encourage you to position yourself to stand in God’s Truth because it is yours.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father…you may ask for anything in my name and I will do it! John 14:12,14

“I feel so empty Lord. I serve you, I pray, I walk out my faith. What am I missing?” If these thoughts have traveled the surface of your mind, you are not alone. Of course you have a great calling. That is God whispering into your heart that He has more for you. We live in such a fast paced world with a constant push for more that even God’s fulfillment seems fall short. You will not fall short of your calling & you are not missing anything because you can not hear what His exact plan is right now. What we fail to see is the plan is what is is right now! Look around you, what can God be waiting for you to see that is directly in front of you? Perhaps He is giving you the time to have a deeper relationship with your husband or children. Perhaps He is teaching you things through the stories of friends and family. We miss so much of the small yet vastly important parts of life searching for the bigger calling. I am a very excited yet impatient person. I yearn for new adventures & challenges. I felt God asking me to slow down. When I had downtime at work I felt Him say “Your Welcome”.  I was confused at first. How can not having business equal a “Your Welcome”. However I felt God’s peace and I chose to rest in it. I chose to not be concerned with tomorrow. I chose to stand in His promise that all of our needs would be met. I began to ask God to reveal what He would like me to do with this sudden gift of time during the day. He answered “Your Children”. Isn’t God so good? John and I have prayed for years that we could be blessed with a career & life plan that would allow us to spend more time together as a family. I desired to be around more, to love on them, talk with them, help them read & do homework. For years we would get home just in time for them to be nodding off while trying to read them a book if they weren’t already asleep. How amazing is my Father. I knew right then that His plan was surely better than my plan. I vowed to seek him in all the time he gave me. I decided to quit being lead by the business world, business success books, how to’s articles & completely commit to His Word, His Guidance & His Business Plan.

My Desire for you today is to Go deeper with your believing this truth. I have outlined a few things that can encourage a deeper relationship with your Father. In this, I know you will begin to see the Greater Calling he has on your life by His revelation, His voice & His guidance.

#1 Get to know God deeper than ever. Your relationship with God comes from knowing His Word. Dive into God’s word and ask him to reveal who he is to you. The bible is living & when you pray for the Holy Spirit to guide you in His word, He will! Heavenly Father I pray you release your Word in living time, in living minutes as your daughter get’s to know you in Jesus Name.

When I began diving into his word, I began reading a chapter in Proverbs like many women suggested, followed by the book of Matthew so I could learn about Jesus. My sister-in-law found it helpful to utilize a bible that had a topical index search. She would use one of the thoughts she woke up with and formulate a question. She then used the topical index search and wrote down scriptures that related to that topic.

#2 Desire His Heart. God is merciful, wonderful, glorious, love, understanding, forgiving & so much more. When you desire to see these things you are desiring God’s Heart! Do not deny yourself the Heart of God, he has freely given it to you and all undeserving children!! He created you to feel and live these wonders! Do not allow the enemy to steal YOUR inheritance. God did not nor will he ever say you have to do anything to deserve His heart. You have it!  I pray and declare the enemies lies to you silenced in Jesus Name! Declare over your life and your heart and your home God’s Glory, Love & Forgiveness in Jesus Name!

One of the greatest moments in my life was when I declared God’s Heart over every aspect of Me. My focus was anything that was not associated with who God was, I canceled ties, thoughts & chains to things like Insecurity, depression, sadness, anger, even words like worthless & ugly, or phrases like “not good enough”, “not talented enough”, “not deserving” etc. IN JESUS NAME! Then I had to commit to the constant fight. I do not believe it ever stops. I do believe that it gets easier and you will declare these things with more confidence each time they come up.

#3 Desire relationship with your God. God is not only your Creator, but He is your Father. He is your Husband. He is your Encourager. He is your Coach! He is you Biggest Fan! You just have to let Him in!

Here is what I did & I encourage you to give it a try.

  1. Talk to God out loud like he is face to face with you.
  2. Let him know you love him and believe he is there for you & has not forgotten you.
  3. Ask him to begin to reveal in your heart that He is omnipresent. Ask him to teach you about his Holy Spirit.
  4. Begin to Thank him for what he has done for you. Especially when start to feel down or discouraged. I believe this is one of God’s secret ways into your heart.

I started waking up and before my feet hit the floor I said Good Morning my Father! Good Morning Holy Spirit! Thank you for this amazing Day. I love you! I am excited to engage in another day with you! Is there anything that I should pray about before I begin my day God? Reveal to me anyone I can engage in a prayer fight for their heart & their life! How can I focus on you today? What can I do for my Family that will reveal your love & your spirit to them?

Then I grab my notebook and I write down everything that is in my heart whether it is prayer, scripture, dreams I had, questions or even hopes and desires.

I pray you are encouraged to dive deeper into your relationship with God. I pray that you not only find out new things about your Father but that you embrace what He has to teach you about yourself. You are beautiful & wonderfully made! I pray you receive your Greater Calling in Jesus Name.

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